Start: 07/01/2014

End: 12/31/2018

Gaia @ AIP

The Gaia Mission is an ambitious attempt to measure a large part of our Milky Way with high precision. The Coordination Unit 9 of the DPAC consortium prepares the publications of the Gaia satellite mission. As part of CU9, I participated in Gaia@AIP, the Gaia data mirror at the Leibniz-Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam (AIP).

Gaia sky

Gaia image of our Milky Way and neighboring galaxies. (Credit: ESA/Gaia/DPAC)

The approx. 5 TB of the Gaia catalog at the AIP are stored in a PostgreSQL database. Special spherical queries can be performed using PgSphere. Access is via a web interface based on the Daiquiri framework.

Gaia image

Screenshot of the Gaia@AIP query interface.


